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Disco taq master mix 2X final concentration MgCl2: 1.5 mM - 2500 reactions of 50 µl / 6250 reactions of 20 µl


Sales Unit : 1
See specific terms
3 355.00 DKK
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• High throughput and reliable amplification for routine applications, screening or high-throughput screening
• Amplification jusqu'à 5 kb, compatible avec le TA-cloning et l'incorporation de dUTP
• 5' -> 3' exonuclease activity and absence of 3'-> 5' exonuclease activity

Specificities :

Disco taq and Disco taq Fever master mix 2X, ready to use:
• Master mix prêt à l'emploi, ajout de la matrice, des amorces et de l'eau uniquement
• The Disco taq 2X master mix contains Disco taq DNA polymerase, NH4+ buffer, 0.4 mM of each dNTP, MgCl2 at a final concentration of 1.5 or 2 mM, and stabilising agents
• Le master mix Disco taq Fever 2X est fourni avec un tampon Fever, pour des amplifications jusqu'à 4kb avec une spécificité accrue, même avec les templates difficiles

Disponible en version «ready to load», contenant un tampon de charge et un colorant rouge pour suivre la migration :
• Allows direct deposition after PCR, on agarose or SDS gel
• No interference with PCR, the products obtained can be used for downstream applications (sequencing, etc.) after purification on a column such as PureIT Exo PCR ClearUp
Returns policy
Item subject to a restricted returns policy (click here to find out more)

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Specific terms
The sales prices displayed on this page are expressed without tax, those valid at the time of consultation, and take precedence over any price visible in a paper catalogue or in a PDF document.
The indication of the stock is not contractual: this data is in constant evolution and can vary according to the desired quantities.
*Item available on special supply: please contact us for delivery times
.** For products subject to regulation: our customer relations department will contact you after registration in order to obtain the necessary documents to finalise your order.