Matrigel is a solubilised basement membrane preparation extracted from the EHS tumour (Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm) which solidifies to form a structure equivalent to a basement membrane in terms of its composition, structure and physical properties.
The most important components of Matrigel are laminin, collagen IV, entactin and heparan sulphate proteoglycans.
Matrigel is strongly recommended for epithelial cell cultures. It is effective for the differentiation of numerous cell types such as hepatocytes and mammary epithelial cells, and results in the formation and organisation of endothelial cells in capillary tubes and the regeneration of neurites.
The Matrigel coating causes the polarisation of single layer epithelial cells, and the proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells.
For culturing human embryonic stem cells (hESC). Ready to use system: 6-well plates with an exclusive fine coating of Corning Matrigel®. Used with MEF cells and a conditioned environment but without single layer fibroblast cells (feeder cells).