The HTS Multiwell Insert Systems Falcon®TM plates are characterised by a platform with 24 or 96 connected inserts and are designed for automating most tests that use a microporous membrane. The HTS Multiwell Insert Systems 24 and 96-Well plates are compatible with most robots and fluid transfer machines, enabling simultaneous handling of the 24 or 96 inserts. These plates can also be used manually.
These systems are supplied with a plate to facilitate replacement of the medium in one single handling. The plates with connected inserts are then adapted to a 24 or 96-Well plate format (Falcon® and/or Corning® Gentest) to conduct permeability tests.
Two formats:
• 24 well lnsert Systems: PET membrane 1 µm, 3 µm and 8 µm;
• 96-Well lnsert Systems: PET membrane 1 µm.
• Increase in productivity and high throughput sieving during studies of the permeability of new molecules involved in the research of future medication administered orally (e.g.: CaCO₂ Assay Systems)
• Studies of cellular transport
• Measurement of transendothelial or transepithelial migration
• Chemotaxis
• Migration
• Cellular invasion